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Small Apartment Hacks to Save You Money

Small Apartment Hacks to Save You Money

  |     |   Tips and How To

We all want to save money when we move. Here are a few simple tips to try at home!

The Right Time

The months between May and September are when most people move. If you can wait until the off-season and move during the winter, property managers may be more likely to offer move-in specials or offer lower rent. Even just one month’s rent off can go a long way, or possibly lowering the security deposit.

Lower Floor for Your Funds

Some people in the city are willing to pay more for a beautiful view of Chicago or New York etc. So if you don’t mind your window views being a little less spectacular, you can save money by living on a lower floor. 

Make Friends with Your Property Manager

Having a good relationship with the person running your apartment complex can be a huge help. By being kind and courteous, it may save you time and money when you need something. You never know what a person is willing to do for you when you treat them with respect!

Your Rent Is Not Always Permanent

New apartment owners think they can only negotiate when they sign the lease. However, every time you are up for a new lease, or you are thinking about moving, see if the property manager is willing to negotiate. Don’t threaten, just inform. Short on cash? Moving to save money? Let them know these things and maybe they will help you out. 

Don’t Make Expensive Upgrades

We want you to stay as long as possible, of course. But wherever you live, don’t make expensive upgrades or buy new furniture and appliances unless you plan on staying. The things you buy now could be money you have saved for the future. 

Energy Savers

Anything not provided by the apartment can be hacked for energy – and money-saving purposes. Lightbulbs cost money to run, and so does your hairdryer. If available, spend a little extra on energy-saving appliances and devices. It all adds up.

Be Thorough and Report Problems

When you move in, take photos of anything and everything. Anything that breaks, leaks, runs too much, is discolored, etc. can all end up costing you money. Get ahead of the game by letting your property manager know it was not you who caused it and get issues fixed right away.

Yes, Roommates Save You Money

Sure, they can be messy, but the more you split up rent, the less you pay. Crazy, right!?


Know of any other good money-saving hacks? Let us know in the comments!

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